Cllr Steve Buddell
Cllr Steve Buddell

Name: Cllr Steve Buddell
Email Address: chairman@washingtonparish.org.uk
Position: Chairman of the Council - Heath Common Ward
Status: Active
Sub-committees & Responsibilities
- Open Spaces, Recreation Ground and Allotment Committee
- Finance committee
- Personnel committee
Declaration of Interest Forms
Declaration of Acceptance of Office - Steven John Buddell- May 2019.pdf
Register of Member Interests - Steven Buddell - May 2019.pdf
WPC updated Register of Interests 2021- Steve Buddell.pdf
Acceptance of Vice Chairman office 1.8.2022- Cllr S Buddell.pdf
Chairman Acceptance of Office - S Buddell 15_5_2023.pdf
Cllr Acceptance of Office - S Buddell 15_5_2023.pdf
Updated Register of Interests - S Buddell - 15_5_2023.pdf
Updated Register of Interests 3.7.2023 S Buddell.pdf