Notice of Casual Vacancy
Local Government Act 1972 The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that due to the resignation of Councillor Geoff Lockerbie a vacancy for a parish councillor in the Washington Ward exists.
2. A by-election to fill a vacancy will be held if within 14 days (not counting a Saturday or Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday, or a Bank Holiday) from the date below (ie by 15 April 2025) ten electors for the Ward give notice in writing claiming such an election to the Proper Officer. The Proper Officer for the purpose of Electoral matters is The Returning Officer.
3. The address of the Returning Officer is :-
Horsham District, Council Albery House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 2GB
4. If no such notice is given, the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option and persons interested should notify the Clerk to the Parish Council.
Date: 26 March 2025
Parish Clerk Washington Parish Council
Rampion 2: Ground investigations in the Washington Parish
Rampion 2 ground investigations in the Washington parish
Rampion 2 will be carrying out some ground investigations and groundwater monitoring in the parish in the coming weeks. These low impact works are for the purpose of helping to inform the engineering design for the proposed onshore cables and their installation.
The attached poster outlines the purpose, nature, location and duration of these works with contact information. The attached leaflet also provides further information on what you can expect to see during these works.
Washington Recreation Ground
Non-intrusive surveys are scheduled on the Recreation Ground on Wednesday 2nd, Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th April 2025,subject to weather conditions. There will be on site notices advising the public of these. Please refer to the poster/flyer for details and contact information.
Notices of Casual Vacancies
Washington Parish Council confirms the resignation of Cllr Steve Buddell (Chairman and Member for the Heath Common Ward) and Cllr Rob Scovell (Member for the Washington Ward).
Cllr Buddell joined the Council in May 2019 and was elected Chairman for two years from May 2023. He served on the Council's OSRA, Finance and Personnel (Chair) Committees. Cllr Scovell joined the Council in July 2024 and also served on the Planning & Transport Committee.
Washington Parish Council would like to thank them both for all of their contribution and service to the parish and wish them well for the future.
Due to their resignations, this gives rise to two Casual Vacancies: one for the Washington Ward and one for the Heath Common Ward.
If no notice of election is called within 14 working days of the date of the notification, these vacancies will be filled by co-option.
Please refer to the Notices of Casual Vacancies for details.
Invasive Spruce Bark Beetle Awareness - alert from the Forestry Commission
Invasive Spruce Bark Beetle Awareness - alert from the Forestry Commission
Have Your Say! Consultation opens on proposals for a Mayoral Combined Authority for Sussex and Brighton
Published 17th February 2025
Consultation opens on proposals for a Mayoral Combined Authority for Sussex and Brighton
The following announcement from Cllr Paul Marshall
Leader, West Sussex County Council
Member for the Storrington Division covering: Amberley, Ashington, Parham, Storrington & Sullington, Washington & Wiston Parishes
"A consultation on proposals for a Mayoral Combined Authority for Sussex and Brighton is now open and everyone across the county is invited to have their say.
The government is running the consultation, which is specific to the Sussex and Brighton region, until the end of the day on Sunday 13 April.
All interested parties are welcome to have their say, including organisations as well as individuals who live and work in the region.
The consultation specifically asks about:
- The proposed geography
- Governance arrangements
- Supporting the economy
- Improving social outcomes
- Local government services
- Improving the local natural environment
- Supporting the needs of local communities and reflect local identity
West Sussex County Council and neighbouring upper tier authorities in East Sussex and Brighton & Hove will be submitting our own responses to the questions.
We encourage you to consider your responses and appreciate your support in encouraging others within your own networks and communities to take part.
Full details of the consultation can be found on the website here:
Sussex and Brighton devolution - GOV.UK
Further information is available in the government press notice here:
Devolution Priority Programme consultations launch - GOV.UK
As previously mentioned, our bid to be on the government’s devolution priority programme is a positive opportunity to draw down more powers and funding for our areas from central government.
Ministers have agreed that a strategic authority for Sussex and Brighton, made up of an elected mayor, and two members of each constituent authority, offers the chance to give the people who live here more control and influence over the issues that affect them, from transport and housing to skills and employment, as well as a stronger voice in how national decisions affect them.
The decision whether or not to proceed with the proposal will be one for the government to take based on its assessment of the consultation responses. We are not able to put in place any formal steps towards setting up a combined authority for Sussex until that decision is made. However, we will look to engage you as key partners in informal discussions in the coming weeks, so that we are ready to move ahead at pace, if we do receive the green light.
Separate to this process, authorities across our region are discussing plans for local government reorganisation, with a proposal to government due to be submitted soon. We will update on this shortly."
Information can also be viewed on the West Sussex County Council website by clicking on the following link: Future of local government in West Sussex
Washington Cottages Vacancy - Annie Bertha Lloyd Trust
The South Downs Local Plan Review: Have Your Say!
First public consultation (Reg 18) on the revised Local Plan
The award-winning South Downs Local Plan is being reviewed to ensure it is up-to-date and addresses important issues such as nature recovery, climate change, affordable housing and helping local communities thrive.
Open from Monday 20 January to 17 March 2025
This is the main opportunity for people to help shape the final Plan, so we are inviting comments from local communities, stakeholders and the development sector.
Click on the following link for details on the South Downs National Park Authority website at: The South Downs Local Plan Review
Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm – Project Update
Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm – Project Update
Latest update 6th February 2025
The Secretary of State has decided to re-set the statutory deadline for this application to 4 April 2025.
You can view the Project information for more information.