
Storrington & Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2031

The Localism Act 2011 has enabled parishes to produce neighbourhood development plans which allow communities to have more influence on what development comes forward in their parishes. It was with your support that Washington Parish Council joined forced with neighbouring Storrington & Sullington Parish Council on a 6-year journey to produce such a plan.

The Storrington & Sullington and Washington NDP (Submission Plan incorporating the Examiner’s modifications and all modifications as per the Decision Statement) complies with the legal requirements and basic conditions set out in the Localism Act 2011, and as a result of the Horsham District Council’s (HDC) decision on 4 September 2019 and the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) Planning committee resolution on 12 September 2019, the plan has been made.

The Storrington & Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan (SSWNP) now forms part of the statutory development plan for the Horsham District. It is also part of the Development Plan of the SDNPA Local Planning Authority area as defined by the Neighbourhood Area Designation by the SDNPA on 10 December 2013. The Plan is being used to help in the determination of planning applications for the parish.

Washington Parish Council would like to thank everyone who has made it possible to get to this point.

Hard copies of the made Pan can be viewed at the following locations:

Horsham District Council Offices, Parkside, Chart Way, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1RL

South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DH

You can also read and download the Plan and supporting documents from the links below and view the Plan's Steering Group Meetings minutes on the Storrington & Sullington Parish Council website at: http://www.storrington-pc.gov.uk/Agendas_and_Minutes_1708.aspx

· Time Line

5th September 2019
The Plan was adopted by Horsham District Council. Click on the following link for the adopted document: Storrington & Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) and the Storrington & Sullington and Washington Neighourhood Plan Adoption Statement (PDF)


19th July 2019
Referendum results

On Thursday 18 July 2019 a referendum took place on the neighbourhood development plan for the parishes of Storrington, Sullington and Washington.

The results were as follows:

Turnout: 19.13%

Yes: 86% (1,298)

No: 14% (205)

The referendum version of the Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed here:

Storrington, Sullington & Washington NDP – Referendum Version

Click here for Declaration of Results from Horsham District Council


24th December 2018
Decision Statement

On 24 December 2018, Horsham District Council published the Decision Statement for the Storrington, Sullington & Washington NDP. This sets out the modifications that will be made to the plan in response to the Examiner’s modifications.

The modifications include important changes to the NDP which require further consultation. Consultation on these modifications runs from 6 February to 27 March2019. Details of the consultation can be viewed on the Horsham District Council website.



Horsham District Council appointed Mr John Slater as the independent Examiner of the Storrington, Sullington & Washington NDP. The Examiner published his final report in November 2018.

Examination Report

Summary of Representations received

Examiner’s initial comments 25 May 2018

Examiner’s Further initial comments 26 June 2018

Further information of the Examination can be found at the Horsham District Council webpage for the Storrington & Sullington & Washington Neighbourhood Plan.


Published Plan Proposal

Horsham DC and the SDNPA published the submitted Storrington, Sullington & Washington NDP for consultation from 23 Feb to 13 April 2018.The following documents were submitted for consultation:

The following evidence base has also been prepared to support the SSW NDP:
