Rampion 2 Public Consultation is now closed
Washington Parish
Rampion 2 Windfarm Expansion: Public Consultation 14th July -16th September 2021
The Rampion 2 public consultation for draft proposals of a windfarm expansion off the Sussex Coast closed on Thursday 16th September.
Washington PC does not support the current routing proposal ("Route B") which would take the cable pipeline through Washington Village via horizontal directional drilling under the Recreation Ground/Allotment land, and result in additional traffic to already congested local roads. The Parish Council is also seriously concerned about the inappropriate locations of the proposed construction compounds around the village, which is largely in a conservation area within the SDNP. The Parish Council is asking that Rampion robustly pursues all other options to avoid the Village, including the original "Route A."
See the Parish Council's full consultation response at the end of this page and also on the Planning page.
For details of the scheme and information about the consultation process please visit Rampion's web page at: https://rampion2.com/consultation/
Rampion 2: MP's online survey to canvass local opinion
Sussex MP Andrew Griffith (Arundel and South Downs) has launched a survey to find out residents' views on the proposed expansion of the Rampion off-shore windfarm with associated onshore cable corridor and a new electricity sub-station. To take part in the survey and to read the MP's comments on the recent public consultation, go to: Rampion 2/Andrew Griffith (andrewgriffithmp.com)
Additional Documents
Rampion 2 Consultation Response from Washington Parish Council .docx